Emotional Empathy Scale Urdu

Emotional Empathy Scale Urdu

The Emotional Empathy Scale (EES) is a self-report measure intended to assess emotional empathy. EES is based on the model of emotional empathy, as suggested by Mehrabian (1996). The EES consists of 30 items, which were subjected to principal components analysis in 331 postgraduate students belonging to various educational institutes of Rawalpindi and Islamabad. The eigenvalues and associated scree plot provided evidence for a three-factor solution, which was examined using varimax rotation. The three factors were tendency to be moved by others’ positive and negative emotional experiences, emotional responsiveness, and susceptibility to emotional contagion.

Emotional Empathy Scale Urdu
Emotional Empathy Scale Urdu

Reliability estimates of alpha coefficient (a = .85), item-total correlation (ranging from r = .31 to .60, p<.000), and split-half reliability (83) support the high internal consistency of the 26-item EES. The present study also assessed gender differences in emotional empathy, and results from t-test analyses showed a significant difference between men and women on the trait of emotional empathy, t (279) = 3.94, p<.000. A total of 331 university students provided group norms for the EES, with a mean of 143 and a standard deviation of 20.1.
The construct validity of the EES was determined by examining the convergent and discriminant validities.

Four studies were conducted, and results from the convergent and discriminant validity showed a strong piece of evidence for the construct validity of the EES. The present investigation was also designed to examine the role of trait emotional awareness as a dispositional predictor of emotional empathy and its potential outcomes, such as affiliative tendency and aggression, in a sample of 200 postgraduate students.

Results from correlational analysis and linear regression analysis showed that trait emotional awareness explains a significant proportion of variance in emotional empathy (R2 = .18, F = 44.26, p<.000). As regards the potential outcome variables of emotional empathy, results from linear regression analyses indicated that emotional empathy significantly predicted affiliative tendency (R2 = .26, F = 70.13, p<.000) and aggression (R2 = .18, F = 43.25, p<.000).

Overall, the EES has high internal consistency, excellent construct validity, and good reliability estimates. It aids in measuring emotional empathy and can be used in various psychological studies to determine the level of emotional empathy in different groups.

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