Brief Symptom Inventory Urdu

Brief Symptom Inventory Urdu

Brief Symptom Inventory Urdu The Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI) is a widely used self-report questionnaire designed to assess the presence and severity of psychological distress and symptoms associated with various mental disorders. Composed of 53 items, the BSI offers a comprehensive assessment across nine primary symptom dimensions: Somatization: This dimension captures physical symptoms that may be … Read more

Brief Symptom Inventory

Brief Symptom Inventory

Brief Symptom Inventory The Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI) is a self-report questionnaire used to assess psychological distress and symptoms of mental disorders. The inventory is composed of 53 items that cover nine primary symptom dimensions, namely; Somatization, Obsessive-Compulsive, Interpersonal Sensitivity, Depression, Anxiety, Hostility, Phobic Anxiety, Paranoid Ideation, and Psychoticism. Additionally, the BSI has three general … Read more

Problem Assessment Scale Urdu

Problem Assessment Scale Urdu

Problem Assessment Scale Urdu The Problem Assessment Scale (PAS) is a self-report instrument designed to assess individuals’ evaluation of psychosocial stressors and their coping strategies for managing daily problems and long-term stressful situations. The PAS is widely used in research and clinical settings, particularly when a comprehensive understanding of stress and coping mechanisms is required. … Read more

Problem Assessment Scale Urdu

Problem Assessment Scale Urdu

Problem Assessment Scale Urdu The Problem Assessment Scale (PAS) is a self-report instrument designed to assess individuals’ evaluation of psychosocial stressors and their coping strategies for managing daily problems and long-term stressful situations. The PAS is widely used in research and clinical settings, particularly when a comprehensive understanding of stress and coping mechanisms is required. … Read more

Problem Assessment Scale

Problem Assessment Scale

Problem Assessment Scale The Problem Assessment Scale (PAS) is a widely used self-report instrument used to assess the evaluation of psychosocial stressors and the strategies used to manage daily problems or long-term stressful situations. The PAS is divided into two parts: assessing an individual’s stressors and coping strategies for those stressors. The PAS consists of … Read more

Problem Assessment Scale

Problem Assessment Scale

Problem Assessment Scale The Problem Assessment Scale (PAS) is a widely used self-report instrument used to assess the evaluation of psychosocial stressors and the strategies used to manage daily problems or long-term stressful situations. The PAS is divided into two parts: assessing an individual’s stressors and coping strategies for those stressors. The PAS consists of … Read more

Muslim Attitude Towards Religion Scale Urdu

Muslim Attitude Towards Religion Scale Urdu

Muslim Attitude Towards Religion Scale Urdu The Muslim Attitudes Towards Religion Scale (MARS) is a tool used to assess a person’s general perspective on Islam. It’s specifically designed for Muslim populations and aims to capture different aspects of their religious orientation. Here’s some information about the MARS in Urdu: Availability: While the original MARS is … Read more

Quest Religious Orientation Scale Urdu

Quest Religious Orientation Scale Urdu

Quest Religious Orientation Scale Urdu The Quest Religious Orientation Scale is a measure designed to gauge individual’s religious inquisitiveness or curiosity, striving for spiritual understanding, and with their openness to doubt and ambiguity. Developed by Batson and Schoenrade (1991), Quest was created to capture the subjective experience of religiousness that emerges outside of organized religious … Read more

Muslim Attitude Towards Religion Scale

Muslim Attitude Towards Religion Scale

Muslim Attitude Towards Religion Scale The Muslim Attitude Towards Religion Scale (MARS) is a research tool utilized to measure Muslim adherents’ attitudes and perceptions about religion and religious practices. The scale employs a 5-point Likert scale, ranging from “strongly disagree” to “strongly agree,” to rate participants’ responses to each question. The MARS assesses multiple dimensions … Read more

Quest Religious Orientation Scale

Quest Religious Orientation Scale

Quest Religious Orientation Scale The Quest Religious Orientation Scale is a measure designed to gauge individual’s religious inquisitiveness or curiosity, striving for spiritual understanding, and with their openness to doubt and ambiguity. Developed by Batson and Schoenrade (1991), Quest was created to capture the subjective experience of religiousness that emerges outside of organized religious settings. … Read more