Coping with Harassment Questionnaire Urdu
The Coping with Harassment Questionnaire (CHQ) used in the present study aims to measure the coping strategies employed by the victims of sexual harassment at the workplace in Pakistan. The questionnaire has been developed in both Urdu and English versions, and its development process involved translating the items from English to Urdu and then back-translating them to ensure conceptual equivalence.

The CHQ consists of 50 items that measure various coping strategies that the participants might have employed after experiencing sexual harassment at work. The coping strategies are divided into two categories: internally focused coping and externally focused coping. The participants were asked to rate each coping statement on a 5-point Likert scale, ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree).
The CHQ has been found to possess sufficient reliability and validity. The reliability of the CHQ was established by computing the internal consistency coefficient using Cronbach’s alpha, which measures the extent to which the items in the questionnaire are measuring the same construct. The internal consistency coefficient for the CHQ was found to be .75, indicating that the questionnaire has a reasonable level of reliability.
The validity of the CHQ was established by examining its construct validity, which assesses the degree to which the questionnaire measures what it is supposed to measure. To accomplish this, exploratory factor analysis was used to identify the underlying factors in the CHQ. The results revealed that the two-factor model was the best fit for the data, indicating that the coping strategies could be classified into two distinct categories: internally focused coping and externally focused coping.
Overall, the CHQ has been found to be a reliable and valid measure for assessing the coping strategies employed by the victims of sexual harassment at the workplace in Pakistan.
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