Sexual Harassment Experience Questionnaire

Sexual Harassment Experience Questionnaire

The Sexual Harassment Experience Questionnaire (SHEQ) used in the present study aims to measure women’s experiences of sexual harassment in workplaces in Pakistan. SHEQ was developed in both Urdu and English versions and divided into three dimensions of harassment, namely gender harassment, unwanted sexual attention, and sexual coercion. The questionnaire consists of 35 items, the responses of which were reported on a 4-point Likert scale ranging from “never” to “always.”

Sexual Harassment Experience Questionnaire
Sexual Harassment Experience Questionnaire

The development of the SHEQ was carried out in four phases with independent samples. The procedure used for the development of SHEQ is similar to that of Fitzgerald et al.’s (1988) Sexual Experience Questionnaire (SEQ). The studies carried out during the development of SHEQ had satisfactory results, indicating its acceptable reliability and validity.

The reliability of the SHEQ was established by computing the internal consistency coefficient using Cronbach’s alpha analysis, which assesses the degree of consistency among the items in the questionnaire. The internal consistency coefficient of the SHEQ was found to be .84, indicating substantial reliability. Moreover, the reliability per domain ranged from .73 to .78, indicating good internal consistency.

The validity of the SHEQ was established using construct validity analysis, which aims to assess the degree of coherence between the questionnaire and the theoretical concepts it measures. In this case, exploratory factor analysis was conducted where the three dimensions of harassment were confirmed by the three factors generated by the analysis.

To assess the convergent validity of the SHEQ, its correlation with a similar measure of harassment was computed. The results showed that the SHEQ had substantial positive and significant correlations, indicating that it is a valid measure of harassment.

In conclusion, the SHEQ is a reliable and valid measure for assessing women’s experiences of sexual harassment in workplaces in Pakistan. Its proper development process, satisfactory reliability, and validity thus make this questionnaire a helpful tool for any researchers interested in this particular topic.

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Please be aware that does not hold the rights to grant permission for the use of any psychological scales, questionnaires, or inventories listed on its website. If you wish to use any of the scales, questionnaires, or inventories featured on our site, it is your responsibility to obtain permission directly from the author, translator, or publisher of the respective tool. provides information about various assessment measures and their administration procedures for educational purposes only. We do not endorse or claim ownership of any of the tools mentioned. We strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information to our readers, but we cannot guarantee the completeness or accuracy of the information presented.

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Sexual Harassment Experience Questionnaire

Sexual Harassment Experience Questionnaire

The Sexual Harassment Experience Questionnaire (SHEQ) used in the present study aims to measure women’s experiences of sexual harassment in workplaces in Pakistan. SHEQ was developed in both Urdu and English versions and divided into three dimensions of harassment, namely gender harassment, unwanted sexual attention, and sexual coercion. The questionnaire consists of 35 items, the responses of which were reported on a 4-point Likert scale ranging from “never” to “always.”

Sexual Harassment Experience Questionnaire
Sexual Harassment Experience Questionnaire

The development of the SHEQ was carried out in four phases with independent samples. The procedure used for the development of SHEQ is similar to that of Fitzgerald et al.’s (1988) Sexual Experience Questionnaire (SEQ). The studies carried out during the development of SHEQ had satisfactory results, indicating its acceptable reliability and validity.

The reliability of the SHEQ was established by computing the internal consistency coefficient using Cronbach’s alpha analysis, which assesses the degree of consistency among the items in the questionnaire. The internal consistency coefficient of the SHEQ was found to be .84, indicating substantial reliability. Moreover, the reliability per domain ranged from .73 to .78, indicating good internal consistency.

The validity of the SHEQ was established using construct validity analysis, which aims to assess the degree of coherence between the questionnaire and the theoretical concepts it measures. In this case, exploratory factor analysis was conducted where the three dimensions of harassment were confirmed by the three factors generated by the analysis.

To assess the convergent validity of the SHEQ, its correlation with a similar measure of harassment was computed. The results showed that the SHEQ had substantial positive and significant correlations, indicating that it is a valid measure of harassment.

In conclusion, the SHEQ is a reliable and valid measure for assessing women’s experiences of sexual harassment in workplaces in Pakistan. Its proper development process, satisfactory reliability, and validity thus make this questionnaire a helpful tool for any researchers interested in this particular topic.

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Please be aware that does not hold the rights to grant permission for the use of any psychological scales, questionnaires, or inventories listed on its website. If you wish to use any of the scales, questionnaires, or inventories featured on our site, it is your responsibility to obtain permission directly from the author, translator, or publisher of the respective tool. provides information about various assessment measures and their administration procedures for educational purposes only. We do not endorse or claim ownership of any of the tools mentioned. We strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information to our readers, but we cannot guarantee the completeness or accuracy of the information presented.

If you require further information or need assistance in contacting an author or obtaining permissions, please feel free to reach out to our team. We are here to assist you with any inquiries you may have.

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