COVID induced diabetes depression

COVID induced diabetes depression

Here in this post, we are providing “COVID induced diabetes depression”. You can discuss your concerns about mental health in our community, and we will provide you with tips and solutions in a short time. Keep visiting Mental Health.

Diabetes depression

Though there are no medicinal therapies available for chronic Covid, recent research reveals that exercise can prevent the vicious loop of inflammation that might contribute to developing diabetes and depression months after a person recovered from the infection.

COVID induced diabetes depression
COVID induced diabetes depression

The research, published in the journal ‘Exercise and Sports Sciences Reviews’, indicates exercise may take care of the inflammation that leads to increased blood glucose.

Candida Rebello, Ph.D., a research scientist at Pennington Biomedical Research Centre, said, “We know that long Covid causes depression, and we know that it can increase blood glucose levels to the point where people develop diabetic ketoacidosis, a potentially life-threatening condition common among people with type 1 diabetes.”

“Exercise may assist. Exercise takes care of the inflammation that leads to high blood glucose and the development and progression of diabetes and clinical depression,” Rebello stated.

So far, it’s unknown how many individuals suffer from lengthy Covid? But estimates vary from 15-80 percent of the persons afflicted. Based on such data, it’s conceivable that as many as 1 million of Louisiana’s people suffer from extended Covid.

About Long Covid

Long Covid produces what the Centres for Disease Control characterizes as “a constellation of additional severe symptoms” including cognitive fog, muscular pain, and weariness that may continue for months after a person recovers from the original infection.

“For example, a person may not feel extremely ill with COVID-19, but six months later, long after the cough or fever is gone, they acquire diabetes,” Dr. Rebello added.

One answer is exercise. Dr. Rebello and her co-authors stated their concept in “Exercise as a Moderator of Persistent Neuroendocrine Symptoms of Covid-19.”

“You don’t have to run a mile or even walk a mile at a quick pace

“Walking slowly is also exercise. You should aim for a 30-minute workout session. Do two 15-minute sessions if you can only manage one at a time. Take a 15-minute walk every day, even if it’s only once. A person should always make an effort. It makes no difference where you start. A steady increase in intensity is a good strategy, according to the expert.

It’s well established that physical exercise is essential to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. As a result of this study, it has been shown that regular physical activity may help prevent the inflammatory cascade that eventually leads to elevated blood sugar levels and type 2 diabetes, according to Pennington Biomedical Executive Director and article co-author John Kirwan, Ph.D.

Covid vaccinations, on the other hand, were created in a matter of weeks. The World Health Organization has approved the emergency use of 10 vaccinations as of early March.

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