Do you know “Kama Muta”, the emotion that motivates us to care for others?

Do you know “Kama Muta”, the emotion that motivates us to care for others?

You may have had goosebumps at the sight of an act of kindness, or felt a warmth in your chest when meeting a long-lost friend. This feeling has a name: Kama Muta.

Discovered by researchers in psychology and anthropology, this emotion, which means “transmitted by love” in Sanskrit, plays an essential role in our social relationships by encouraging us to care for others.

What is Kama Muta?

Kama Muta is a universal emotion that we experience when we encounter moments of deep connection. This can happen in a variety of situations, such as rescuing an animal in distress, receiving a gesture of support or sharing an emotional moment with a loved one.

These moments cause well-known physical reactions: shivering, a sensation of heat or even tears. Researchers believe this emotion evolved to strengthen human relationships, making us more inclined to mutual aid and solidarity.

Beneficial feeling for mind and body

Kama mutation not only strengthens social relationships: it also has a positive impact on our well-being. After an episode of Kama Muta, the heart rate slows down, and the person feels a deep sense of peace and relaxation. This feeling acts as a calming balm to the mind and body.

In the United States, during the 2016 presidential election, some emotionally driven campaigns were successful in bridging the divide between Republicans and Democrats. These studies were picked up by the media Guardian Suggest that kama muta can be a powerful tool for overcoming social divisions.

How to cultivate Kama Muta on daily basis?

Kama Muta does not depend only on special occasions. It can be developed on a daily basis through small gestures of attention: offering spontaneous support, expressing gratitude or simply taking time to listen. These moments not only strengthen our relationships but also bring a dose of shared happiness.

Even in politics or collective management, this spirit can encourage more cohesive initiatives and reduce stress by placing humans at the center of decisions.