Do you know the “the Peak Rule”, which can affect a couple’s relationship?

Do you know the “the Peak Rule”, which can affect a couple’s relationship?

Why do we focus on a negative, even isolated moments in happy relationships globally? This is a question discovered by psychological mark travelers Psychology today,

The “Shikhar Niyam” describes this phenomenon where our memories increase important events, to the more balanced vision of reality. This deformation can turn a simple struggle into a large breakdown, even in a full pairs.

Memories of size by emotions

Our brain prefers simple and approximate stories. A study published in Psychology journal This indicates that when things go wrong, our memory is reorganized around this important event, positive moments are ignored. This reasoning requirement distorts our memories by affecting unpleasant episodes.

The beginning of a relationship is often intense, and we hope this enthusiasm will work. However, a continuous discovery for “new heights” can cause despair and frustration. Healthy relationships are not consistently vital, and accepting this reality helps to create a permanent relationship.

After a breakup: memory trap

When a relationship ends, the last painful moments often dominate our memory. It oversee positive memories, which have yet to mark most of the general history.

This focus on tests enhances resentment and makes the mourning process more difficult. To move forward, it is important to see the memories again with fairness, also evaluating moments of happiness.