These 3 advice from a specialist to reduce our time spent on screen effectively
Our consumption of screen has a real impact on our health, without forgetting our good, social and environmental impact. Screen addiction is a complex phenomenon: most materials, especially from social networks, video games and applications, activate the reward system in our brain. In addition, each “like”, with a notification or achievement in a game, releases the brain dopamine, a hormone associated with bliss.
This creates a pleasant feeling that pushes us to repeat our behavior. Algorithms are designed to maintain our attention due to these unexpected awards and this uncertainty confirms our need to be connected! However, temptations are great! Even if the desire to get information in real time is normal, as it is to feel socially connected, it is also important to protect your mental health.
Learn how to protect yourself from the harmful effects of excessive screen consumption
“Digital media is not all or anything. They are to improve our lives if we” try to be attempted for the way we use it “,” A media article announces Meridith Brodric, MD, Sleep Neurologist Poosh. According to this expert, “A meta-analysis has shown a connection between the use of digital media and attention problems.” In addition to meditation problems, sleep is also affected, causing anxiety problem: “Computers and phones emit blue lights that remove melatonin secretion and may disturb our circadian rhythm, which reduces the duration and quality of sleep”, He said. However, everything is not lost!
“Studies have also shown that the time spent away from the screen improves emotional and social intelligence,” Announces this specialist. Here, their suggestions are made to consume their time of full -script. Doctors throw light on the benefits of the broadric screen and how to recover it. “Digital media provides the possibility of accessing telehuntic services such as resources”, He gives for example! “They can also be used to strengthen cognitive skills for training and nervous exercise programs and may be educational when lead and directed by adults/parents”! ,
User manual for screen logic
So the solution is more vigilant for our time spent in front of a screen. Dr. According to Meredith Broaderick, you have to know how to determine the rules and boundaries. It proposes to plan an authorized hours: for example, do not consult social networks once in the morning, on lunch, then in the evening, allows you to oversee our time of screen consumption and All allows not to be subject to atrocities of immedia! For some applications, it is a good practice to fix a consumption time limit: for example 30 minutes per day, for Instagram by a network or for a game.
Finally, extinguishing electronic devices two hours before bedtime is a current and particularly effective health recommendation, which significantly improves sleep quality. Night mode is the perfect tool to help us in this night process. Thus, we can gain control over our screen consumption and reduce our potential addiction for information! With this work of the introduction of a reflective routine of full arbitration type or silent reading, we can have all more positive effects on our good.
Source : Acknowledgment