Overview of Separation Anxiety Disorder
Here in this post, we are providing the “Overview of Separation Anxiety Disorder “. You can discuss more your concerns about mental health in our community, and we will provide you with tips and solutions in a short time. Keep visiting Mental Health.
Separation anxiety disorder
Separation anxiety disorder is a common phase of growth for babies as well as toddlers. Young children typically experience an initial period of anxiety about separation. However, the majority of children get over separation anxiety around three years old.

For certain youngsters, anxiety over separation may be an indication that they have a serious disorder called separation anxiety disorder. This condition can manifest from the age of preschool.
If your child’s fear of separation is intense or long-lasting -in particular, if it causes problems with school or other activities, or if it triggers anxiety attacks or other issues then he or she might be suffering from an anxiety-related disorder called separation. The most common cause is the child’s fears about their parents however it may also be related to a close caregiver.
A lot less often is the case, separation anxiety disorder may also be experienced by teenagers as well as adults, creating serious problems in getting out of the house or even going to work. But treatment can help.
It can be difficult for parents to see their child become anxious and distressed about being apart from them. Separation anxiety disorder is a condition where your child is constantly in distress and disrupts your life as well as that of your family. Separation anxiety disorder (SAD), is an anxiety disorder that causes a child extreme worry about being away from her family or from other people/ places she is attached to. This intense worry can be caused by the mere thought of separation.
Children suffering from SAD might experience:
- It can be difficult to be away from your parents or other loved ones.
- Over-worry about the harm that could be done to loved ones
- Over-worry about your own safety
- It is difficult to leave the house or go to school.
- Difficulty in sleeping
- When you are away from your loved ones, feeling physically ill
SAD must be diagnosed if the symptoms last at least four weeks. They should also be more severe than normal separation anxiety experienced by most children.
Separation anxiety disorder treatment usually involves medication or therapy. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is the most commonly used therapy to treat separation anxiety disorder. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a method that helps parents and children to overcome unhelpful thoughts or behaviors. Therapy can help parents understand why their child is anxious. If you suspect your child may have a separation anxiety disorder, it is important to seek medical advice. Anxiety can become more severe if they are not treated.