Paternal Authoritarian Scale Urdu
The Paternal Authoritarian Scale (PAS) is a widely used psychometric tool designed to measure the degree of paternal authoritarianism. This tool assesses the attitudes of fathers towards their children through its items that evaluate the extent to which fathers engage in authoritative, permissive, or authoritarian parenting styles. One factor that increases the usefulness and validity of the PAS is its adaptation to various cultural contexts, as is evident in its Urdu version (UV-PAS).

The UV-PAS was developed and validated by a team of Pakistani researchers. It was adapted from the original scale in English and was designed to be culturally and linguistically appropriate for the Urdu-speaking population of Pakistan. The translation of the items was subjected to rigorous linguistic and methodological reviews to ensure comprehensibility, accuracy, and conceptual equivalence with the original.
To test the psychometric properties of the UV-PAS, the researchers conducted a study using a sample of 410 fathers from the Punjab region of Pakistan. The fathers filled out the UV-PAS and various other psychometric measures, including the Parental Acceptance-Rejection Questionnaire (PARQ) and the Index of Family Relations (IFR), for additional validity assessment.
The results showed that the UV-PAS had good internal consistency reliability (Cronbach’s alpha = .85) and construct validity. Specifically, the scale demonstrated six underlying factors that align with five similar factors that emerged from the original scale. These dimensions included authoritarian aggression, affectionless control, strict discipline, rigid attitudes, parental expectations, and permissiveness. Furthermore, strong correlations were reported between the UV-PAS scores and the PARQ and IFR scores, lending additional support for the reliability and validity of the scale.
The reliability and validity demonstrated in the UV-PAS make it a valuable instrument for researchers interested in understanding the attitudes of fathers towards their children in the Pakistani context. The adaptation of the PAS to Urdu and its application to father-child relationships in Pakistan allows for comparisons to be made across cultures, and researchers can utilize it to gain more insights into the relationship between paternal attitudes and child development in various contexts.
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