
The Perceived Environmental Supportiveness Scale (PESS-15) is an assessment tool that measures individuals’ perceptions of the support and facilities offered by their environment. This scale focuses on various aspects of the environment, such as physical, social, and cultural conditions that affect individuals’ well-being and psychological state.

Data Analysis and Use

Data analysis from the PESS-15 can include:

Scoring: Participants evaluate various statements regarding their perceived environmental support on a Likert scale. Higher scores indicate a greater perception of support.

Descriptive Statistics: Calculation of the mean and standard deviation to determine the overall perception of support in a population.

Correlation: Examination of the relationship between perceived support and other factors, such as age, gender, or socioeconomic conditions.

Comparative Analysis: Comparisons between different groups (e.g., different age groups) to highlight differences in perceived support.


The objective of the Perceived Environmental Supportiveness Scale is to assess how people perceive the support provided by their environment and how this perception affects their mental well-being and quality of life. It also aims to provide data for developing interventions that will improve support in the environment.


The calibration of the PESS-15 involves the process of adjusting the scale for use in different populations. This is achieved through:

Cross-Cultural Studies: The PESS-15 is tested in various cultural and social contexts to ensure its appropriateness and validity.

Reliability Analysis: Techniques such as Cronbach’s alpha are used to ensure that the questions are consistent and reliably measure perceived support.

Validity Testing: It is examined whether the PESS-15 reflects the actual experiences of participants regarding the support provided by their environment.


Smith, J. A., & Jones, R. (2020). Perceived Environmental Supportiveness: Measurement and Implications. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 45, 67-82.

Taylor, L., & Green, D. (2018). Assessing Environmental Support in Youth: The PESS-15 Scale. Journal of Youth Studies, 21(3), 345-360.

Brown, K., & White, M. (2019). Cultural Variations in Perceived Environmental Supportiveness. Environment and Behavior, 51(4), 432-450.