Personal Strain Questionnaire
The present research includes an exploration of the effects of sexual harassment on harassed workers in Pakistan in terms of vocational, psychological, interpersonal, and physical strain. To measure these effects, the Personal Strain Questionnaire was employed. The questionnaire consisted of 32 items that measured the effects of sexual harassment in the four aforementioned dimensions. The questionnaire was developed in collaboration with two clinical psychologists and was based on the existing literature on the psychological effects of trauma and sexual victimization.

The development of the Personal Strain Questionnaire involved several phases, including the generation of a large pool of items, refinement of items through expert review, and administration of the questionnaire to several pilot samples to assess the validity and reliability of the measure. The final version of the questionnaire included the 32 items with a five-point Likert scale response format ranging from “Strongly Disagree” to “Strongly Agree.”
To assess the reliability of the Personal Strain Questionnaire, internal consistency and test-retest reliability tests were conducted. The internal consistency of the Personal Strain Questionnaire measured by Cronbach’s alpha was .93, indicating excellent reliability. In the test-retest analysis, the questionnaire was given to the same sample twice with 15 days in between. The correlation coefficient for the total score of the Personal Strain Questionnaire was .90, indicating high test-retest reliability.
Overall, this research found that the Personal Strain Questionnaire is a reliable and valid measure of the effects of sexual harassment on harassed workers in Pakistan in terms of vocational, psychological, interpersonal, and physical strain. Therefore, it can be used by researchers and practitioners to assess the effects of sexual harassment.
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