Play in the development of Pre School Children Inventory

Play in the development of Pre School Children Inventory

Play among preschool children is a highly well researched phenomenon. The present study aimed to find out relationship of play in child development. A series of three pilot studies were carried out to develop (a) an insight in to the play behaviour of preschool children— study I, (b) try-out the play material, observational schedule and play activities— study 2, and (c) to develop a_ scale for the measurement of play behaviour of pre school children— study 3.

Play in the development of Pre School Children Inventory
Play in the development of Pre School Children Inventory

These three observational studies were carried out on children at day care centre, in the family situation and also in play groups, specially created for the purpose. Play behaviour was rated on a five point rating scale. Inter-rater reliability was established the observational schedule tried out in study 2 had 25 dimensions of play behaviour. In the pilot study 3, the observational schedule was tried-out on 40 children of preschool age children. As a result of the Factor analysis 10 dimensions out of the 25 dimensions were retained in the final scale. These 10 dimension had the factor loading of higher than .70’on the factor of playfulness.

Internal consistency was computed by Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient, which was .94 for the pilot study and .98 for the main study. The objective of the main study was to find out the relationship of intellectual, social and emotional development and home environment of children with playfulness. The main study was conducted on 40 children, 20 boys, 20 girls age ranging between 42-59 months, mean age 49.60 months and SD 4.02. Play behaviour was observed during 5 sessions of free play, of 90 minutes each, on alternate days, after two days of familiarisation. The second rater was also introduced according to the systematic randomization schedule.

A significantly positive correlation was found between the two rater. The research instruments used for the assessment of intellectual, social, emotional development and home environment were the Test of Intellectual Development for Pakistani Preschool Children, constructed at National Institute of Psychology, Islamabad, Scale for the Measurement of Social Development of Preschool Children developed at the Institute, Children Apperception Test- Pakistani Adaptation and the Home Inventory developed by Bradley & Caldwell.

Analysis of Variance and Pearson’s product moment correlations were carried out to find out the relationship of play with various aspects of development. It was statistically significant with social development. Intellectual development was found positively correlated with play only in the groups of high playful and low playful children. Thematic analysis of the stories could also differentiate between high and low playful children. Home environment inventory did not bring statistically significant results.

In this Inventry Include:

  • Sample Characteristics of the Study 3.
  • The Scale for Playfulness used in the Main Study
  • Test of Intellectual Development for Pakistani Preschool Children
  • Scale for the Measurement of Social Development
  • Children’s Apperception Test Pakistani Adaptation (5 card)
  • HOME Inventory

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