Self-Reported Deliquency Checklist Urdu
The self-reported delinquency checklist Urdu is a measure used to assess the self-reported delinquent behaviors of individuals, including a range of behaviors such as theft, vandalism, drug use, and violence. The measure has been used extensively in several studies and has been found to have good internal consistency and test-retest reliability. For example, Study IV in the present research aimed to examine the relationship between self-esteem and delinquency, and the analysis of data revealed that high self-esteem is negatively related to delinquency (t-value=2.53, p<.01).

In addition to reliability, the measure has been shown to have good criterion and construct validity. In terms of criterion validity, the delinquency scale has been found to be significantly associated with official records of delinquent behavior (AIC= .33, p < .001). In terms of construct validity, the measure was found to have low correlations with other constructs such as anxiety and academic self-competence, indicating that the delinquency scale is not measuring the same underlying construct as these variables. This provides further evidence that the delinquency scale is measuring a unique construct related to delinquent behaviors.
Overall, the self-reported delinquency checklist is a valid and reliable measure of individuals’ self-reported delinquent behaviors. Its use in research examining the relationship between self-esteem and delinquency provides insights into the negative relationship between high self-esteem and delinquent behavior, which has important implications for future research and interventions targeting individuals with high self-esteem who may be at risk of engaging in delinquent behavior.
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