Sign & Symptoms of Anxiety Disorder
Here in this post, we are providing ‘Sign & Symptoms of Anxiety Disorders ‘. You can discuss more your concerns about mental health in our community, and we will provide you with tips and solutions in a short time. Keep visiting Mental Health.
Sign & Symptoms of Anxiety
Following are the common sign and symptoms of anxiety are
- Difficult to control worry
- Unable to avoid the things that trigger anxiety.
- Trouble sleeping.
- Sweating
- Having Gastrointestinal problems
- Weakness & tiredness
- Unable to concentrate or think about anything other than present worry.
- Increase heart rate.
- Rapid breathing
- Having feelings of Nervousness, restlessness, and tension.
- Trembling
- Having a sense of impending danger, panic, or doom

Signs and Symptoms of Anxiety Disorders
Following are the signs and symptoms of anxiety disorders that are
- Excessive Worrying
- Feeling agitated
- Restlessness
- Fatigue
- Difficulty Concentrating
- Irritability
- Tense Muscles
- Sleep disturbance
- Panic Attacks
- Avoiding Social Situations
- Irrational Fear
Excessive Worrying
In anxiety disorder, excessive worry is most common. People worry most of the days for at least 6 months. And he is unable to control his situation. It may be severe and the person is unable to concentrate and perform his routine tasks. Worry is directly related to the events that trigger the anxiety and it is a normal reaction towards everyday situations.
Following individuals have a higher risk of anxiety.
- Older people
- Low socioeconomic status people
- Single one
- Having too much stress in life
Feeling Agitated
The sympathetic nervous system goes into overdrive when an individual is restless. This will have an impact on the whole body such as increasing heart rate, sweating on palms, shaky hands, and dry mouth.
Brain sensed danger and sent signals to the body to get ready for the response of threat. As a result, the symptoms of restlessness occur. The body sends blood away from the digestive system towards the muscles of your body for the situation of fight and flight. The heart rate is increasing.
This response is helpful when the body is in actual danger and fear is continuously in your head.
According to researchers, people with anxiety disorders may feel the effect of anxiety for a long period of time. They failed to control their arousal as compared to the people without anxiety disorders.
In children and teenagers, restlessness is one of the common symptoms of anxiety.
People with restlessness are feeling on edge and are not comfortable moving.
It is not necessary that restlessness is present in all people having anxiety. It may or may not be present in people having anxiety.
People with anxiety disorders are easily tired and experienced fatigue. Anxiety attacks occur sometimes due to fatigue. The actual reason for fatigue is not clear. Whether it occurs due to anxiety or due to hormonal effects. Fatigue is also a symptom of other disorders such as depression. Fatigue alone is not enough to diagnose anxiety disorders.
Difficulty Concentrating
Most people with anxiety disorder have difficulty concentrating on things. According to research, anxiety has an impact on working memory. Difficulty concentrating is a symptom of other medical conditions and disorders such as attention deficit disorder. So, only difficulty concentrating is not enough to diagnose anxiety disorders.
Irritability is high in people having anxiety disorders. Irritability is present twice higher in young and middle-aged adults in their daily lives.
Tense Muscles
Most people have tense muscles most days of the week. It is not clearly understood why muscle tension is associated with anxiety? It is treated by relaxation therapy.
Sleep disturbance
People with anxiety disorder have trouble falling or staying asleep. Sleep problems have a strong association with anxiety disorder.
According to studies, children having insomnia may later develop anxiety at any stage of their life. It is unclear that either anxiety causes insomnia or insomnia causes anxiety.
If the root cause of anxiety is treated insomnia does not occur anymore.
Panic Attacks
One of the symptoms of anxiety disorders is panic attacks.
Panic attacks produce an intense, overwhelming sensation of fear that can be debilitating.
The symptoms of extreme fears are
- Rapid heart rate
- Chest tightness
- Shaking
- Difficulty in breathing
- Sweating
- Fear of death or unable to control
- Nausea
Avoiding Social Situations
Avoiding social situations are the symptoms of anxiety disorders
Following are the signs that one is avoiding social situations including
- Avoiding certain social events due to fear.
- Fear of embarrassment and humiliation in front of others.
- Become anxious and fearful about coming social situations.
- Fear of being judged or scrutinized by others.
People having social anxiety are shy and quiet in social gatherings. They are feeling confused and anxious when they meet new people. They don’t show that they are feeling tense but internally they have extreme anxiety and fear. People with social anxiety have low self-esteem and high self-criticism.
Irrational Fears
Irrational fears are common in anxiety disorder. People have extreme fears about certain things such as spiders, close spaces, height, etc. It may also be called phobia