Somatic therapy: what is this method that strengthens intimacy in relationships?

Somatic therapy: what is this method that strengthens intimacy in relationships?

We often ignore it, but the body can also help us treat our wounds and heal. Certain childhood or past traumas are strongly anchored in the body and mind. To the point of letting them take control over our lives and our relationships. Problem: when each person’s personal trauma disrupts the serenity within the couple, it is time to act.

How ? By trying, for example, somatic therapy. The concept? Treat your trauma differently and strengthen your intimacy as a couple. We’ll explain it to you.

What is somatic therapy?

As reported by the media VeryWellMindintimacy helps establish trust, security and respect within a relationship. Essential elements for building a healthy and lasting life as a couple.

The impact of past trauma can have serious consequences on a life together: “We lose contact with ourselves and we are no longer able to be in contact with anyone else. We cannot touch or be touched”explained Dr Scott Lyons, holistic psychologist, interviewed by the American media. And this is where somatic therapy comes into play.

Somatic therapy: a powerful tool for couples

How does it work? This method places priority on the body: There is a fundamental belief that the body and mind are inextricably influenced by each other”specifies VeryWellMind. Thus, by paying attention to the perception of the body, it is possible to heal from certain deep traumas. Concretely, this therapy uses several techniques, such as: breathing in full awareness, meditation, body movements which help keep negative energies away. Thus, somatic therapy can allow couples to reconnect through contact with their feelings and sensations.

To practice it, you just need to train yourself and above all, breathe and (re)connect with your body. For this, it is possible to follow therapy with a somatic professional. After all, everything is good for pampering your relationship and finally regaining control over your past pain! So, want to try?