Harvard sociologist’s secret to overcoming anxiety

Harvard sociologist’s secret to overcoming anxiety Anxiety is often seen as an enemy worth fighting. But for Martha Beck, a sociologist interviewed Guardian The key lies in acceptance and change. By adopting a caring approach and cultivating curiosity, she found her way to a more peaceful life. deal with concerns with kindness Instead of fighting … Read more

Here’s a Simple Tip to Calm Anxiety Attacks, According to an Expert

Here’s a Simple Tip to Calm Anxiety Attacks, According to an Expert When experiencing an anxiety attack, the feeling of urgency and loss of control can quickly set in. If everyone has their own technique to cope, a method based on eye movements, inspired by recognized treatments like EMDR, can provide immediate relief. Simple, effective … Read more

5 expert recommendations for dealing with weekend-end anxiety

5 expert recommendations for dealing with weekend-end anxiety Do you know that knot in your stomach feeling on Sunday evenings? You’re not alone, it’s what we call the “Sunday Night Blues”, for some people, this anxiety manifests itself through sleep problems or even panic attacks. So, how can we overcome this Sunday sickness and celebrate … Read more

This activity is recommended by psychologists to reduce stress and anxiety

This activity is recommended by psychologists to reduce stress and anxiety Feeling stressed, overwhelmed by anxiety or overwhelmed by the ups and downs of everyday life is a reality for many. What if the solution was as accessible as a pair of sneakers? According to specialists interviewed by Franceinforunning is among the most effective activities … Read more

How to overcome social anxiety disorder? Advice from a psychologist

How to overcome social anxiety disorder? Advice from a psychologist Your heart races, your hands shake, and a recurring thought runs through you: “What will they think of me?” » These sensations, well known to people suffering from social anxiety disorder (SAD), can make every interaction intimidating, even paralyzing. However, these fears are often amplified … Read more

This physical condition, often confused with anxiety, shares the same symptoms

This physical condition, often confused with anxiety, shares the same symptoms You feel exhausted, nervous, or even disoriented with no apparent explanation. Your first instinct might be to suspect anxiety, a widespread disorder. But did you know that these symptoms can also indicate hypoglycemia, in other words a drop in blood sugar? “It is possible … Read more