This harmless behavior can actually report autism

This harmless behavior can actually report autism Autism is often associated with difficulties in communication. Autism is very different from one person to another. That is why we are talking about autistic spectrum disorder (TSA): each person has a different degree in this spectrum “, as explained by the Ele-D-France Resource Center (CRAF). Thus, some … Read more

These 3 harmless behavior can cause breakups

These 3 harmless behavior can cause breakups No matter how strong love is, latent tension, stripped struggle or unrealistic expectations can be weak. This mobility, which is often invisible, gradually dominates and endangers the relationship. Jeffrey Bernstein, Interview by American Psychologist Psychology todayIdentify three “silent killers” that can cause breakups. Here is told how to … Read more

Your relationship could be in danger if you adopt this harmless gesture

Your relationship could be in danger if you adopt this harmless gesture Stay hidden to live happily? Even before the thought of breaking up comes to mind, there are little behaviors that can be harbingers of the end. Do you know this behavior like keeping your socks on during sex? Making noise while eating? Are … Read more

Are you suffering from cheelophagia, this (seemingly harmless) action considered an obsessive behavior disorder?

Are you suffering from cheelophagia, this (seemingly harmless) action considered an obsessive behavior disorder? Do you find yourself biting the inside of your lips or cheeks when you’re stressed or anxious? Although this reflex may seem harmless, in some cases it can develop into compulsive and uncontrolled behavior. This disorder, known as cheelophagia, affects the … Read more

Apparently harmless, this behavior at work increases the risk of burn-out

Apparently harmless, this behavior at work increases the risk of burn-out While there are professions at greater risk of burnout, certain behaviors that we adopt on a daily basis aggravate the risk of exhaustion. This is the case of this unconscious habit, recently highlighted by experts: reading your emails outside of your working hours. Imagine: … Read more