A specialist’s advice to quickly identify “red flags”

A specialist’s advice to quickly identify “red flags” “Red Flag” these are warning signs that indicate potential toxicity in a relationship. Some, such as excessive jealousy or humiliation, are known. But other people are more subtle and yet dangerous. Anne Latuil, interviewed by a doctor in psychotramatology Ellie Warns against these behaviors and take the … Read more

“Nice manipulators”: these signs to identify them

“Nice manipulators”: these signs to identify them Beware of manipulation. As a reminder, this type of behavior has been described in a insidious and cowardic way to influence a person’s words, thoughts or actions by methods of toxic persuasion. This approach is often used by manipulations and/or alcoholic deformity in their relationships as a couple, … Read more

How to identify a hot flash?

How to identify a hot flash? Heat puffs can be disturbed and unstable, affecting many women, especially during perimenopause. This phenomenon is caused by hormonal ups and downs that disrupt the thermal regulation of the body. However, in short, these summer waves can be acute and unpredictable. So, how can we recognize a puff of … Read more

“Just because it does not show that it does not exist”: Identify the invisible disabled

“Just because it does not show that it does not exist”: Identify the invisible disabled Disability Act will be 20 years old on Tuesday, February 11, 2025. A rally has been scheduled for Monday afternoon in Paris, from 5.30 pm D La Republicic. “Far from being satisfactory”. Adopted on February 11, 2005, the purpose of … Read more

This signal that definitely makes it possible to identify a manipulator

This signal that definitely makes it possible to identify a manipulator How to identify manipulators? This question is often echoed in shrinking firms. No wonder when we observe the results of a psychological grip on the mental health of the victims. Psychiatrist Isabel Nazare-Ega is an expert in question. He is particularly the author of … Read more

“Contrary to popular belief, there is no typical profile”: how to identify denial of pregnancy?

“Contrary to popular belief, there is no typical profile”: how to identify denial of pregnancy? Still little known, denial of pregnancy is considered a disorder of psychological gestation. It affects one in 500 pregnancies, according to several sources. “To date, it does not appear as a specific diagnosis in the international classifications, the ICD-11 and … Read more

4 signs to identify depression in our parents and grandparents

4 signs to identify depression in our parents and grandparents How to protect your parents or grandparents from depression? Caught in our busy daily lives, we try to take care of them, visit them and call them as much as possible, but their lives often remain punctuated by boredom and loneliness. Depression among the elderly … Read more