An expert advice to manage co -perid with a toxic east

An expert advice to manage co -perid with a toxic east When a toxic parents lose their grip on their former-partner, he often wants to fix it through the child. It becomes a means of manipulation and power, which is specially trying. Psychological violence can result in continuous criticism of protective parents, prohibition of communication … Read more

How to manage disputes related to expenses between the couple?

How to manage disputes related to expenses between the couple? 40%. According to a study by SurePayroll by Paychex and One Poll, this is the number of people who have already ended a relationship because of money. Between financial infidelity, different ways of managing money, or even various financial stressors, it’s not always easy to … Read more

Prepare the meal, organize your time, think about gifts: 3 tips to better manage the mental load of Christmas

Prepare the meal, organize your time, think about gifts: 3 tips to better manage the mental load of Christmas At the start of December and with Christmas approaching, are you more won over by the magic of Christmas or overwhelmed by stress? If the collective imagination associates the end of the year with festivities, reunions … Read more

How to manage to worry less? Here are 3 tips

How to manage to worry less? Here are 3 tips We spend our time worrying about things that will ultimately never happen. And it’s scientifically proven. A study conducted in 2020, published in PubMedindicated that the “Most of our worries were not realized.” To obtain this result, the researchers tracked the worries of people with … Read more