Parental Acceptance – Rejection Questionnaire for Father Urdu

Parental Acceptance - Rejection Questionnaire for Father Urdu

Parental Acceptance – Rejection Questionnaire for Father Urdu The Parental Acceptance-Rejection Questionnaire (PARQ) is a commonly used measure of parenting behavior, which assesses a child’s perceived parental acceptance or rejection. PARQ has been developed and applied to understand the nature of child-parent relationships and their linkages to factors such as personality, social and emotional adjustment, … Read more

Parental Acceptance – Rejection Questionnaire for Mother Urdu

Parental Acceptance - Rejection Questionnaire for Mother Urdu

Parental Acceptance – Rejection Questionnaire for Mother Urdu The Parental Acceptance-Rejection Questionnaire (PARQ) for mothers has been developed as a measure of the quality of child-rearing practices of mothers. This tool assesses the extent to which children perceive that their mothers are accepting or rejecting towards them. The Urdu version of the PARQ (UV-PARQ) has … Read more