Personal Strain Questionnaire Urdu

Personal Strain Questionnaire Urdu

Personal Strain Questionnaire Urdu The Personal Strain Questionnaire (PSQ) is a self-report measure developed to examine the negative impacts of stress on individuals’ health and well-being. This questionnaire was also adapted in Urdu alongside English to facilitate understanding easily in Pakistan. The PSQ is anchored around the General Strain Theory (GST), which draws from Agnew’s … Read more

Personal Strain Questionnaire

Personal Strain Questionnaire

Personal Strain Questionnaire The present research includes an exploration of the effects of sexual harassment on harassed workers in Pakistan in terms of vocational, psychological, interpersonal, and physical strain. To measure these effects, the Personal Strain Questionnaire was employed. The questionnaire consisted of 32 items that measured the effects of sexual harassment in the four … Read more