Can you change your personality? These character traits you can acquire

Can you change your personality? These character traits you can acquire “I can’t help it, that’s how I am. » Have you ever criticized someone for one of their faults and repeated behaviors? Faced with these criticisms, some people have the unfortunate tendency to justify their attitudes with their personality. All while implying that they … Read more

Typical profile: this is what a personality who despises you looks like

Typical profile: this is what a personality who despises you looks like Some personalities are not made to get along. Lack of common points, personalities at odds, respective shyness… But, sometimes, the problem is one-sided and does not come from nowhere. This is particularly the case when contempt arises. invites into the conversation. To despise … Read more

What Being Ahead Says About Your Personality

What Being Ahead Says About Your Personality Are you always on time for an appointment, sometimes even early, do you anticipate all your trips and respect the schedules? This punctuality could, in fact, say a lot about your personality. This good time management is intended to reveal good daily organization, a certain responsibility, but not … Read more

Here’s how to “measure” your personality

Here’s how to “measure” your personality Have you ever wondered why you act a certain way or feel certain emotions in specific situations? Exploring your personality is a key step to better understanding yourself, but the tools available are often time-consuming and technical. A study published in the journalAmerican Psychological Association offers a concise and … Read more

Our selection of perfect gifts to give at Christmas according to personality

Our selection of perfect gifts to give at Christmas according to personality As inspiration runs out, some play it safe with checks or explicitly stated wishes. But is there a universal present to touch all hearts? The experts answer in the negative. Everyone has their perfect gift. For some, they represent pleasures to be discovered. … Read more

How does your personality change over time?

How does your personality change over time? Personality, often seen as a stable trait, is in reality constantly evolving. Researchers from theUniversity of Zurich and Washington revealed that these transformations do not follow a uniform pattern. Each individual experiences changes adapted to their experiences, proving that our personality is as dynamic as our lives. A … Read more

Typical profile: this is what the personality of manipulators looks like

Typical profile: this is what the personality of manipulators looks like Manipulation can affect all of our personal relationships. When it is the work of a loved one, it is particularly difficult to understand since the feelings can impair our judgment. Furthermore, it can take place when the right-of-way is already installed. Ultimately, manipulation can … Read more

If you say these sentences it means you have a strong personality

If you say these sentences it means you have a strong personality How would you describe someone who has a strong personality? If some associate it with authority, assertive character, sometimes too much, hyper-independence or even impulsivity, the strong personality could be more positive than we think. Having a strong personality means demonstrating determination, authenticity, … Read more