These are typical phrases said by people who lack self-confidence

These are typical phrases said by people who lack self-confidence Inner security, affirmation of one’s needs, the act of introspection… the values ​​associated with self-confidence are now well known. As a proof of your love for yourself, maintaining self-confidence is a priceless gem. “Having self-confidence means knowing on what basis you are more or less … Read more

Principle of Tapping, this technique helps in curing phobias, procrastination and lack of self-confidence.

Principle of Tapping, this technique helps in curing phobias, procrastination and lack of self-confidence. What if a series of tapings could improve your daily life? The idea behind this is EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), which is an alternative treatment method that focuses on psychological acupressure and emotions. Developed in the 1990s, this accessible approach promises … Read more

The 12 character traits common to people who don’t have self-confidence

The 12 character traits common to people who don’t have self-confidence We all have insecurities, but most of them are minor. However, some suffer more, resulting in a profound lack of self-confidence. They are loaded with heavy emotional baggage that affects every aspect of their lives but tend to repress their doubts and past traumas, … Read more

Do you lack self-confidence? You probably experienced these 7 stages in your childhood

Do you lack self-confidence? You probably experienced these 7 stages in your childhood Lacking self-confidence is often a consequence of our life journey. From childhood, certain situations can have a lasting impact on our perception of ourselves, influencing our ability to act, to assert ourselves or to trust our skills. The hypnotherapist Laurence Delinot interviewed … Read more