6 sentences on physical to avoid completely

6 sentences on physical to avoid completely In a world where physical appearance is a proportionless space, capture certain sentences, although they look harmless, can damage the image of individuals deeply. Whether it is important to understand the impact of our words, whether by praising weight loss or commenting on food options. Psychologist Janet Bosowski … Read more

Herfer: 4 sentences tell you that you are a victim of gaslighting

Herfer: 4 sentences tell you that you are a victim of gaslighting Gaslighting, a subtle but powerful manipulation technique, often suspects you. If you have already heard sentences that reduce your feelings or write history again, you can fall prey to this form of mental control. There are four classic sentences from gaslighting here and … Read more

3 sentences do not say to someone who goes badly at the risk of seriously damaging his feelings.

3 sentences do not say to someone who goes badly at the risk of seriously damaging his feelings. Does a dear person who needs to listen to him, to validate his feelings or we solve his problems? Although confidences allow you to feel appeasement, they are not always promises to repair our injuries. In some … Read more

“You don’t look autistic”: These 10 sentences reveal popular ideas on autism

“You don’t look autistic”: These 10 sentences reveal popular ideas on autism These confirmation (among others) are based on the vision of autism which is partial and which does not take into consideration the boundary of the autism spectrum disorder (TSA); They are to be denied. Bestly, they participate in disinfection around autism in adults … Read more

These small sentences testify to an aggressive communication

These small sentences testify to an aggressive communication Whatever the relationship, when communication is poorly used, it causes more damage than bringing together. Our way of dialogue is healthy when it clearly expresses the needs, feelings and desires of one, respecting the other’s feelings. Dysfined, even within unhealthy relations, communication becomes passive, aggressive, Even bothOn … Read more

5 sentences heard in your childhood and prevent you from fixing your trauma

5 sentences heard in your childhood and prevent you from fixing your trauma Was what I experienced really serious? Am I “a little exaggeration? Is I difficult to manage? These questions are often echoed in the minds of those who grew up in a relaxed family. They doubt about the severity of experienced events. Robin … Read more

7 sentences to avoid a shrinking in front of your children

7 sentences to avoid a shrinking in front of your children Being a parent, there is emotions, fatigue and everyday stress. In these moments of stress, some words are with us, without measuring their scope. However, children absorb these words and integrate them into their personal construction. If no one is correct, it can avoid … Read more

These sentences are best to tell someone that we really appreciate

These sentences are best to tell someone that we really appreciate Some of the words selected at the right time can illuminate all day. The words you use can make a real impact on the people around you. Psychologist Jeffrey According to Bernstein, quoted in Psychology todayExpressing positive and encouraging thoughts not only strengthens relationships, … Read more