Is he afraid to confuse as a couple? These 4 reasons that stop it

Is he afraid to confuse as a couple? These 4 reasons that stop it As we move away from the traditional pattern of relationships, we also leave their label. This gave birth to a particular form of romantic relationship, “position”. Rapid common, this trend defines a romantic relationship that does not present the commitment and … Read more

Method “5 for 5” or how to stop (finally) to take the lead on a daily basis

Method “5 for 5” or how to stop (finally) to take the lead on a daily basis Our brain exaggerates the importance of current events. This mechanism supplies natural, anxiety and roomy. By presenting ourselves in the future, we can reduce this emotional effect. Here Olga Alexandrova doctor shared the “5 to 5” method on … Read more

Stop giving this type of advice that affects self-esteem

Stop giving this type of advice that affects self-esteem Have you ever received advice that seemed irrelevant or even condescending? These interactions, although seemingly harmless, can have a profound impact on self-esteem, especially in women. A study published in psychological sciencee highlights the negative impact of so-called “non-responsive” advice. Whether this advice is given by … Read more

7 tips to stop overthinking

7 tips to stop overthinking In a world where everything is moving ever faster, it’s easy to get caught up in an endless stream of thoughts. Overthinking pushes us to dwell on the past or anticipate an uncertain future, often to the detriment of our well-being. Learning to identify and manage this mechanism is essential … Read more

Here’s the secret of people who won’t stop talking

Here’s the secret of people who won’t stop talking At the heart of our social interactions, language occupies a primordial place. While some are reserved, others seem incapable of remaining silent, monopolizing conversations. Understanding why some people are real talkers can shed light on the deeper mechanisms of human communication. Maintain social connections The need … Read more

8 hours later, 12 days later, 3 months later… This is what really happens in the body when you stop smoking

8 hours later, 12 days later, 3 months later… This is what really happens in the body when you stop smoking The month of November marks the return of “No Tobacco Month”, a campaign that encourages smokers to put out their last cigarette, at least for 30 days. A strategic duration: abstaining for a month … Read more