These signs show that you are suffering from “smiling depression”

These signs show that you are suffering from “smiling depression” What is hidden under your social mask? Does your mask smile hide a certain sadness, even a depression? Some people with psychological crisis face their deep inconvenience behind a joyful appearance. Which makes it difficult to diagnose their disorder. A fast broader expression will nominate … Read more

Are you suffering from akrasia, a tendency to self-sabotage?

Are you suffering from akrasia, a tendency to self-sabotage? Imagine that a driver knows he is heading straight for the wall, but is unable to take his foot off the accelerator. This absurd scenario perfectly illustrates the concept of akrasia, the Greek word that refers to the strange human ability to act against one’s own … Read more

This is what you should say to someone who is suffering

This is what you should say to someone who is suffering Calimero is not easy to deal with. There is a real problem hidden behind his constant whining and sometimes annoying sensitivity. He sometimes feels incompetent, sometimes childish, and continues to tirelessly condemn the injustice of which he is a victim. But listening to it, … Read more

Are you suffering from the “Great Detachment,” a relationship toward work that indicates fragile mental health?

Are you suffering from the “Great Detachment,” a relationship toward work that indicates fragile mental health? Every beginning of the year is favorable for asking questions. What is your assessment about the last year? Did you achieve your goals? What new things are you planning for the coming year? While some people find themselves won … Read more

This question should not be asked to a friend who is suffering emotionally.

This question should not be asked to a friend who is suffering emotionally. The conversation often starts with these words: “How are you?” Although this question seems like a natural way to inquire about a loved one’s well-being, it can sometimes lack depth. Our automatic reactions – “It’s okay”, “Not bad”, or “I’m stuck” – … Read more

Are you suffering from cheelophagia, this (seemingly harmless) action considered an obsessive behavior disorder?

Are you suffering from cheelophagia, this (seemingly harmless) action considered an obsessive behavior disorder? Do you find yourself biting the inside of your lips or cheeks when you’re stressed or anxious? Although this reflex may seem harmless, in some cases it can develop into compulsive and uncontrolled behavior. This disorder, known as cheelophagia, affects the … Read more