Cultivating these personality symptoms can help you survive for a long time.

Cultivating these personality symptoms can help you survive for a long time. Our personality predicts many aspects of our life. Some personality symptoms may change our career by attaching some ways and by facilitating professional climbing instead of others. Our personality can also be a factor that will shape our social life. But our personality … Read more

“Dark Factor”: These 3 personality symptoms that become human’s worst

“Dark Factor”: These 3 personality symptoms that become human’s worst In the 2000s, psychological Delroy Paulhas and Kevin Williams examined the most dark aspects of personality. According to these researchers at the University of British Columbia at Vancouver, three harmful features make “The Black Triad of the Personality”: dopeTogether, this inclination is disastrous in all … Read more

These 3 amazing personality symptoms make it possible to separate the most magnificent brains.

These 3 amazing personality symptoms make it possible to separate the most magnificent brains. Everyone has their own watch in the world. The work of ideas and concepts inspired Howard Gardner a model for better accounting for the diversity of our faculties: “Multiple Intelligence”. It is possible to refine our strength. After analyzing about 600 … Read more

12 character symptoms that cheat a difficult childhood according to a specialist

12 character symptoms that cheat a difficult childhood according to a specialist A hard childhood often leaves deep and permanent marks. According to Adrian Wollenic, the specialist interviewed by the specialist HackspiritThose who grew up in the environment marked by lack of affection or negative experiences develop character symptoms that can harm their relationships with … Read more

These symptoms reveal you if you have experienced a difficult childhood

These symptoms reveal you if you have experienced a difficult childhood Some events occurring during childhood have a real impact on adult life. Psychological disorder. Generalized anxiety disorders, phobia, addictions or depression may have direct consequences of suffering abuses during childhood. Post-tractic stress syndrome can also be a part of it. Various studies conducted on … Read more

The specific character symptoms of those who lie

The specific character symptoms of those who lie Lying is not just a question of circumstances: our personality symptoms strongly affect our tendency to distort the truth. According to a study done by‘University of Aarhas’Consciousness and pleasures play an important role in slowing down suspicious behavior. In the competitive environment, some symptoms become protective factor, … Read more

5 symptoms of co-thinking within the couple

5 symptoms of co-thinking within the couple In a couple, it is normal to share their concerns, but when these discussions run in a cycle without providing solutions, they can tighten both partners emotionally. Co-thinking, a behavior that is often confused by expressing only disappointment, can increase anxiety and weaken marital satisfaction. Learn to differentiate … Read more

This physical condition, often confused with anxiety, shares the same symptoms

This physical condition, often confused with anxiety, shares the same symptoms You feel exhausted, nervous, or even disoriented with no apparent explanation. Your first instinct might be to suspect anxiety, a widespread disorder. But did you know that these symptoms can also indicate hypoglycemia, in other words a drop in blood sugar? “It is possible … Read more

What is Chronic Depression?

What is Chronic Depression?

What Is Chronic Depression? Here in this post, we are providing “What Is Chronic Depression?. You can discuss your concerns about mental health in our community, and we will provide you with tips and solutions in a short time. Keep visiting Mental Health. Chronic Depression Chronic depression is characterized by a depressed mood that occurs … Read more

Postpartum Panic Disorder

Postpartum Panic Disorder

Postpartum Panic Disorder Here in this post, we are providing the “Postpartum Panic Disorder”. You can discuss more your concerns about mental health in our community, and we will provide you with tips and solutions in a short time. Keep visiting Mental Health. The basics of postpartum panic disorder New mothers can experience postpartum panic … Read more