The 4 values ​​on which any friendly relationship should be based to be healthy

The 4 values ​​on which any friendly relationship should be based to be healthy Laughing out loud, a shoulder to cry on, discussions for hours on the couch… For many people, friendship can be described by these few examples. As a reminder, friendship is based on common values. And like all relationships, it requires cultivation … Read more

People with higher intelligence are guided by these personal values

People with higher intelligence are guided by these personal values What are the values ​​that guide your life? Although this is not a question that we ask ourselves so regularly, we may sometimes be led to wonder about what motivates us every day. Is this tradition? Creativity? Authenticity? Mutual aid? Tolerance? “Core values ​​serve as … Read more

A Work Values Inventory

Independence—doing projects by yourself (I) Authority—make your own decisions (I) Responsibility—able to determine what you do and do it (A) Prestige and respect—being recognized for what you do (Rec) Leadership—influencing others (Rec) Good salary (WC) Variety/different types of tasks (WC) Helping others (Rel) Working with people (Rel) Good working conditions—comfortable or pleasant surroundings Security—keeping my … Read more