Teacher Job Performance Scale Urdu

Teacher Job Performance Scale Urdu

The Teacher Job Performance Scale is a valuable tool designed to measure the effectiveness of teachers’ job performance. It is based on the idea that a teacher’s performance can be evaluated based on various factors such as knowledge, skills, and competencies. The scale was developed using a committee approach, and it consists of 16 items that are divided into two sub-scales, namely Personal Efficacy (PE) and Teaching Efficacy (TE). The personal efficacy subscale measures the teacher’s belief in their own abilities, while the teaching efficacy subscale measures their belief in their ability to teach effectively.

Teacher Job Performance Scale Urdu
Teacher Job Performance Scale Urdu

This Teacher Job Performance Scale has undergone several levels of validation to ensure that it is a reliable and valid tool to measure teacher job performance. The alpha reliability coefficient was determined as 0.72 for the total scale and 0.61 and 0.81 for the PE and TE subscales, respectively. Additionally, item-total correlation yielded significant internal consistency of scales.

Moreover, the scale has been tested through a pilot study and a larger main study. The results of the study showed that the scale has a moderate level of internal consistency reliability. The main study was conducted using two independent samples of teachers and students, respectively. The study found that teachers displayed moderate levels of stress, with the highest scores displayed in work-related stressors. Furthermore, the research revealed that there was a significant negative correlation between teacher stress and job performance and teacher stress and teacher efficacy.

Additionally, high self-efficacy can play a moderator role in the relationship between teacher stress and job performance. The findings indicated that government school teachers displayed high levels of stress, poor job performance, and low self-efficacy as compared to private school teachers. Moreover, demographic variables such as marital status, family system, the number of students, monthly income, age, and job experience of teachers contribute significantly to teacher stress, job performance, and self-efficacy.

In summary, the development and testing of this Teacher Job Performance Scale has provided a valuable tool for measuring teacher performance. It is a reliable and valid tool that can be used to assess the efficiency of teachers, recognize the factors contributing to their stress, job performance, and self-efficacy, and plan interventions that can support the improvement of teachers’ job performance.

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