You can suffer from this symptom of anxiety without feeling it

You can suffer from this symptom of anxiety without feeling it

If anxiety can gain its origin for several reasons, it can also appear in many ways. Symptoms of anxiety are variable from one person to another and Can be of many typesEspecially in a psychological order, such as irritability, impulse, irrational fear, difficulty in focusing, declining intellectual performance, nervousness, feeling of discomfort. And physical symptoms such as digestive disorders, pain, sleep disorders, fatigue, headache, dizziness or heartbeat.

Our vision of anxiety is sometimes limited to an approach In response to anxiety or fearBehavior that are usually easily identified as the answer to these emotions. However, there are less known symptoms that should be cautious at potentially worrisome behavior.

Needs for certainty, a symptom of anxiety

In A post Published on his Instagram account, Sarah Kuburik mentions the behavior that many people adopt without feeling that it is an expression of anxiety. In the given examples, psychotherapy especially verifying the third time is the fact that a former has seen your story on Instagram or (once again) to secure your straight iron. Through these two situations, brilliant specialist verification required And of certainty.

“Anxiety gives you a feeling of certainty immediately. She tells you that verification, Suernis and re -research will provide relief to you, she tells you. Anxiety wants to protect you, but it assures you that the only way to feel safe again is to control everything. »Check that the light is extinguished, that you have followed all the steps of your routine, that you have started your alarm clock or that you are not cool with a close friend, all are harmless behavior Anxiety can result in result,

When the need for certainty becomes a toc

“This is not really possible to control everything,” remember the whole cupurik. The real form of internal security is to create peace with uncertainty and trust yourself. If everyday life can be integrated into these behaviors and they cannot be questioned, then they may give direct answers to unfair ideas most of the time. They can worry about cleanliness, safety or our relationships.

When they are frequent, these behavior enter As part of obsessive binding disorders Which are a form of anxious disorder. OCDs are characterized by obsessive thoughts that give way to compulsions to get them out. In the case of an OCD, two treatments are generally jointly or separately hypothesis: medical, especially behavior and cognitive, and drug treatment, such as in antidepressants.