Tabata method, a technique to easily include physical exercise in your daily life

Tabata method, a technique to easily include physical exercise in your daily life Tabata Vidhi, a Japanese researcher Dr. Isumi gave his name to Tabata, who developed it to improve the performance of Olympic speed skates in the 90s. Since then, this approach has become a reference in high intensity differential training (HIIT). Its principle … Read more

This method definitely allows to achieve its life objectives (without discouraged)

This method definitely allows to achieve its life objectives (without discouraged) When you set a life goal, you go through several steps. Indeed, if the energy is flowing initially, we can be crossed from the period of doubt and discouragement. A goal is above a target, which systematically means a change. However, the change can … Read more

Happiness, sadness, anger … here is the feeling that controls your life

Happiness, sadness, anger … here is the feeling that controls your life From birth and our lifetime, our decisions are ruled by our emotional states. Therefore, the importance of identifying your mother’s spirit to regulate it better. That is why, we have developed a tailor test with the complexity of Catherine Amet-Perisol, psychiatrist, to find … Read more

This is what the daily life of a materialistic person is like

This is what the daily life of a materialistic person is like Materialists are essentially attached to objects, values ​​and material pleasures, which are sources of satisfaction or assurance for them. Vincent Brezard, author of Agnes, confirms this. work bonnet-suard personality disorder (Dnod, 2024). In their eyes, psychological life is of no interest, in any … Read more

This life lesson inspired by the Dalai Lama is called the key to happiness

This life lesson inspired by the Dalai Lama is called the key to happiness How to find the happiness you hope for? Ancient wisdom and contemporary experts agree: Life satisfaction lies in in our feelingsHappiness, fear, anger, hatred… they rule our days and shake our nights. Recognizing and understanding them, especially those that bother us, … Read more

These 6 superpowers to find happiness can change your life

These 6 superpowers to find happiness can change your life If we’ve been trying to grow up as quickly as possible for so long, could returning to childhood be the secret to happiness? Throughout our adult lives we are surrounded by social constraints. Limiting thoughts that prevent us from having courage! Dare to be yourself, … Read more

5 Tips to Overcome Indecision and Take Control of Your Life

5 Tips to Overcome Indecision and Take Control of Your Life We all face choices in our personal or professional lives. But when indecision comes, it can paralyze us, increase our fears, and block our progress. Fear of failure, making mistakes, or being unhappy fuels this vicious cycle. ,“Obviously the people most concerned are those … Read more

This mindset can make your love life easier

This mindset can make your love life easier What beliefs can change our perspective on love and our relationship with it? Love at first sight, soulmate, lifelong love… the way we approach a couple determines our love life. Our deepest beliefs depend on finding (or not) the ideal partner What do we really expect from … Read more