Do you suffer from Bigorexia, this addiction that affects 4 out of 100 French people?

Do you suffer from Bigorexia, this addiction that affects 4 out of 100 French people? Bigorexia, which is considered as a muscle dismorphia, resulted in frequent dissatisfaction with its muscles, even in already very athletic individuals. This disorder pushes excessive training, a strict diet and, sometimes, for the use of substances to develop muscles. ,Bigorexia … Read more

People who want to share these distinguish features

People who want to share these distinguish features Compulsory sedusers, tireless attractions, these people attract as much as they confuse. Always in search of attention, they excel in the art of pleasing and attractive, but this clear spontaneity often hides a very fine reality. They are sometimes considered manipulator or superficial, which reduces their behavior … Read more

4 qualities shared by mentally strong people

4 qualities shared by mentally strong people “Mental force” expression is often used to describe people who have fulfilled the adventures in front of older people, we often talk about “mental force” to congratulate those people, Those who have especially overcome difficult tests, however, describe very little to use very little. However, mental strength reveals … Read more

These specific behavior of disabled people who know how to give themselves importance at work

These specific behavior of disabled people who know how to give themselves importance at work “I know I don’t know anything.” For Socrates, recognizing his ignorance is an ideal attitude to adopt in front of the discovery for knowledge. But eagerly, we all take into account a colleague Check all boxes of disabilityAnd who still … Read more

These behavior are distinctive to people with high sensitivity

These behavior are distinctive to people with high sensitivity They are on the edge, worried about everything, not stressed on anything. Very shy, easily irritable or sometimes angry … susceptible people represent 30% of the population. This concept was first popularized by American psychiatrist Ellen Aaron in the mid -1990s. These people who are afraid … Read more

This is a common trait of people who are more likely to be given power

This is a common trait of people who are more likely to be given power Why do some people naturally inspire respect and trust, while others struggle to impose their authority? A series of studies published in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology Shows that self-control, or self-control, is a key indicator in the perception … Read more

These are typical phrases said by people who lack self-confidence

These are typical phrases said by people who lack self-confidence Inner security, affirmation of one’s needs, the act of introspection… the values ​​associated with self-confidence are now well known. As a proof of your love for yourself, maintaining self-confidence is a priceless gem. “Having self-confidence means knowing on what basis you are more or less … Read more

People Who Wear Glasses Are More Intelligent (And Here’s Why)

People Who Wear Glasses Are More Intelligent (And Here’s Why) Do the brightest minds see dimly? We tell you that at first glance this shortcut seems easy. When we imagine the greatest talents of that time, our mind can’t help but picture them wearing glasses. But is this preconceived idea true? Yes, psychiatrist Marine Collomb … Read more