These are typical phrases said by people who lack self-confidence

These are typical phrases said by people who lack self-confidence Inner security, affirmation of one’s needs, the act of introspection… the values ​​associated with self-confidence are now well known. As a proof of your love for yourself, maintaining self-confidence is a priceless gem. “Having self-confidence means knowing on what basis you are more or less … Read more

3 phrases not to say to an anxious person

3 phrases not to say to an anxious person How difficult daily life is for people with severe anxiety! Anxiety attacks, pain, negative emotions… they fight anxiety on a daily basis in their work whether small or big, worriedPsychoanalyst Alain Braconnier defines “genuinely anxious people” as people with extreme distress, marked by “a state of … Read more

If you want to maintain your children’s confidence then avoid these phrases

If you want to maintain your children’s confidence then avoid these phrases Every parent has their own aspirations for their child, but some ambitions are more common than others. A healthy, happy child who feels good about himself… these are criteria that will satisfy most parents. As adults, we can all remember little attitudes or … Read more

Here are several phrases to say to keep your partner’s love

Here are several phrases to say to keep your partner’s love In a couple, love is not nurtured only by big declarations or spectacular actions. Often, it’s simple actions and well-intentioned words that have the biggest impact. Psychologist Mark Travers, in psychology todayHighlights the importance that a few phrases, imbued with empathy and validation, can … Read more

Typical phrases said by people who are desperate for attention from others

Typical phrases said by people who are desperate for attention from others If happiness is conditioned by our relationship with others, it is socially “normal” to seek their approval. But by desperately waiting for validation from your peers, you risk missing out on your life. The excessive need to exist through the eyes of others … Read more

5 phrases to establish boundaries in your relationships

5 phrases to establish boundaries in your relationships In our tumultuous lives, our relationships sometimes get muddled. Setting and maintaining clear boundaries is essential to managing your time, your energy and, above all, your well-being. Boundaries are an expression of our personal needs and our self-respect, and they are essential to prevent our relationships, whether … Read more