Do you know the “the Peak Rule”, which can affect a couple’s relationship?

Do you know the “the Peak Rule”, which can affect a couple’s relationship? Why do we focus on a negative, even isolated moments in happy relationships globally? This is a question discovered by psychological mark travelers Psychology today, The “Shikhar Niyam” describes this phenomenon where our memories increase important events, to the more balanced vision … Read more

Do you know the 2-minute rule for overcoming procrastination?

Do you know the 2-minute rule for overcoming procrastination? Procrastination is a powerful enemy of our productivity. Often we put off tasks that pile up and become a cause for anxiety. Yet the solution may be surprisingly simple: Do the task in two minutes. Popularized by productivity experts, this method offers a solid approach to … Read more

This surprising rule of life that we set for ourselves as a couple actually allows us to be happy

This surprising rule of life that we set for ourselves as a couple actually allows us to be happy Although it is increasingly accepted that everyone lives their relationship in their own way, certain aspects of life as a couple remain subject to social pressure. For example, childless couples may receive many pressing questions about … Read more

The golden rule of a healthy and fulfilling relationship, according to researchers

The golden rule of a healthy and fulfilling relationship, according to researchers On social networks, users promise to reveal the secrets of healthy relationships. They highlight the importance of signs of attention. Nothing could be more logical: signs of attention help to maintain the emotional connection. These signs can take various forms, from direct questions … Read more