5 sentences heard in your childhood and prevent you from fixing your trauma

5 sentences heard in your childhood and prevent you from fixing your trauma Was what I experienced really serious? Am I “a little exaggeration? Is I difficult to manage? These questions are often echoed in the minds of those who grew up in a relaxed family. They doubt about the severity of experienced events. Robin … Read more

“This is a subtle form of psychological violence”: This broad educational method can create trauma in adulthood

“This is a subtle form of psychological violence”: This broad educational method can create trauma in adulthood As if Repeat with your inner child (Le Brett de’ar version). A study published in 2022 Journal Cyc Central It turned out that “silent treatment” stimulated the brain area that records pain. So silence is actually a form … Read more

7 Signs You’ve Experienced Trauma in Your Family

7 Signs You’ve Experienced Trauma in Your Family Sometimes our beliefs lead us to believe that trauma manifests itself in a particular way. These prevent us from being aware that it has less visible consequences. When trauma occurred during childhood, especially in a family context, it is possible that the consequences may only become visible … Read more

Adopt Polyvagal, the wellness technique that fights trauma

Adopt Polyvagal, the wellness technique that fights trauma Trauma, considered as “shock” or “damage”, is an event that causes a painful emotional state and especially suffering. We can talk about physical trauma in the case of a physical accident, but also about psychological suffering caused by, for example, emotional shock. Like many injuries, trauma has … Read more

These questions tell you if you experienced childhood trauma

These questions tell you if you experienced childhood trauma It can be difficult to admit that you have suffered trauma, abuse or abuse, especially when it comes from your own family. Sometimes it is so complicated, that many people prefer to remain in denial. They then adopt a fairly widespread mentality: “So what? “Everyone has … Read more