Teacher Stress Inventory

TTeacher Stress Inventory

The Teacher Stress Inventory (TSI) is a tool that measures sources of stress and manifestations of stress among teachers. Fimian (1984) developed the TSI and it is considered as a reliable and valid measure of teacher stress. The inventory is made up of ten factors, five of which measure the sources of stress and the other five measure the manifestations of stress. The level of stress is measured based on the total stress score.

Teacher Stress Inventory
Teacher Stress Inventory

The TSI was adapted and translated into Urdu for the purpose of this research. The process of translation and adaptation was completed in two phases using the back-translation method. The psychometric properties of TSI-Urdu were found to be reliable and valid, with an alpha reliability coefficient of 0.85. The internal consistency was further determined by inter-scale correlations and item-total correlations. Cross-language validity was also determined.

The TSI is considered a useful tool in the study of teacher stress, and the TSI-Urdu has been adapted to serve this purpose for Urdu-speaking populations. It provides a framework for understanding and measuring stress sources and manifestations among teachers, which is an important consideration for educational institutions.

In summary, the TSI is a reliable and valid tool in measuring teacher stress in terms of sources of stress and manifestations of stress. The tool has been adapted to several languages, including Urdu, and it provides a useful framework for understanding and measuring stress among teachers in educational institutions.

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