Work Attitude Survey (87 Items)
The Work Attitude Survey (WAS) is a comprehensive instrument used to assess the attitudes of employees towards their jobs. The survey was designed to measure several constructs, including job satisfaction, organizational commitment, work values, internal work motivation, and organizational citizenship behavior. The WAS is composed of 87 items and is available in English and Urdu versions.

The reliability of the WAS is indicated by its internal consistency. The internal consistency of the WAS was measured using Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient. The Cronbach’s Alpha coefficients for various scales of the WAS ranged from 0.64 to 0.95. These coefficients indicate very good internal consistency of the WAS.
The validity of the WAS was evaluated using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The CFA results confirmed that the WAS items loaded on the expected factors. The fit indices obtained from the CFA (CFI=0.96, RMSEA=0.06) indicated a good fit for the three-factor model of organizational commitment. Additionally, the WAS was found to have good concurrent validity with other measures of job satisfaction and organizational commitment.
Scales Used:
The WAS includes several different scales to assess job attitudes. The scales include: job satisfaction, organizational commitment, work values, internal work motivation, and organizational citizenship behavior.
The Work Attitude Survey is considered a reliable and valid instrument for assessing the job attitudes of employees. The WAS has been successfully adapted and translated into Urdu, indicating its cross-cultural applicability. The WAS can be used for diagnostic as well as evaluative purposes and can be an effective tool for management and HR professionals in assessing job attitudes of employees and making informed decisions.
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