This sentence made by mentally strong people will change the perception of your life

This sentence made by mentally strong people will change the perception of your life

Some experiences can make you mentally strong. Like a muscle to work, the soul is cultivated by thought. Searching for unknown areas, starting on the paths that closes, learn to say for comfortable situations … To work the power of its brain, you should learn to get out of your comfort field.

Amy Morin, American psychiatrist and work author “13 things that do not mentally strong people” CNBC How can a simple attitude change a lifetime course.

“I don’t have the right to say”

If thoughts can harm, they can also repair. People with more powerful minds know how to protect their mind from limiting beliefs. This means that we are the main responsible for our mental “armor”. “Set limits are one of the best measures to protect your mental health, psychiatrist. However, the fear of hurting someone, leaving or harming a relationship may accept you things you do not want to do. ,

Learning to say that when the situation does not suit you to keep the iron brain. , This reminder allows you to deny opportunities that do not correspond to your preferences, Amy Morin continues. To say that professional tiredness is not less, guarantees healthy relationships and shows that you appreciate your time and energy. ,

Get out of its comfort area to get stronger

Although it soaks us, the comfort field is not always what we grow. Exclusion from this involves taking risk. Therefore, to cultivate your mental strength, a work is necessary on yourself. “First of all, you have to identify your forces, identify your limits, so know yourself better to consider change and get risky with your abilities,” Maryum Ogier, Coach , Coaches explain.

For genes, the most important thing is to gain confidence. “This is that we can face our fear in reality, feel that these are fantasmagorical construction and start”. This is the place where magic operates. The more we get out of its comfort field, the more confidence we get in ourselves. A virtuous cycle that allows you to strengthen its mind and change your perception of life.