“Pyramid of Change”: Here are steps to follow to be successful in life

“Pyramid of Change”: Here are steps to follow to be successful in life

Time is for change! No matter how much we want to shake your daily life and change some bad habits, sometimes it is difficult to trigger the process.

According to Audrey, the life coach for full women and the founder of Instagram account @Ma-Kohens, change is not done overnight: “From awareness to responsibility, from forgiveness to peace,” fulfilling happiness, each stage is a foundation on the path of your development and satisfaction. , So, how can you achieve your goal and change life?

Perramid of change

On his Instagram account, the professional specifically presents a technique that allows to move forward in stages to install new habits. His name? Pyramid of change. Solidly, it is divided into five regions:

  • Awareness: It is at the bottom of the pyramid and it describes itself until this moment of realization where a real change wants to establish.
  • Responsibility: This step is to feel that change will be thanked for its actions: “It’s up to me to make my reality”Life coaches explain.
  • Forgiveness: For this third phase, you have to establish forgiveness: “I forgive myself, I forgive and I free myself”The coach advises. Clearly: We allow forgiveness to move forward.
  • Peace: At the second place, at the top of the pyramid, changes are placed and it is starting to bear the fruit. Generally, we feel that the route has been traveling and we feel better and better at this level.
  • Khushi: At the peak of the pyramid, we can rejoice in the end the trip and say to ourselves. “I have done this!”.

Change: A long process

It is possible to feel from all these stages that change can sometimes take time, but that each stage is important to establish new habits in your daily life and over time: “Each stage may require more or less time to be fully integrated in your life “Audrey says Life Coach.

Of course, it is better to be a professional/in this change process. You will understand, the life you want is just in your hands, but there is no need to put too much pressure. So, are you ready to see things moving?