3 Behavior adopted emotionally by intelligent people

3 Behavior adopted emotionally by intelligent people Emotionally intelligent people navigate better through the ups and downs of life. Their ability to regulate their feelings, consider others and appreciate the journey rather than simple results allows them to achieve personal and business goals in a more calm manner. Psychiatrist Erin Leonard shared these major behaviors … Read more

These two approaches have been adopted by socially comfortable people

These two approaches have been adopted by socially comfortable people When we talk about our confidence, sometimes we only talk about one type of confidence. Our first thought goes to the belief about who we are. However, there is a kind of confidence associated with our ease in society and with others. it is social … Read more

This attitude adopted towards narcissists can be counterproductive

This attitude adopted towards narcissists can be counterproductive People who have high levels of narcissism generally have a high opinion of themselves. It would therefore never occur to you to flatter a person whose ego already seems very inflated. But when you have to deal with the personality of a narcissist on a daily basis, … Read more