Do you want to reduce the struggle in your relationship? Try this simple change of perspective

Do you want to reduce the struggle in your relationship? Try this simple change of perspective In a romantic relationship, disagreement is unavoidable. However, the way these conflicts are discussed can create all differences. A new approach, involving adopting the possibility of a neutral third party, may be the key to reducing disputes well and … Read more

This sentence made by mentally strong people will change the perception of your life

This sentence made by mentally strong people will change the perception of your life Some experiences can make you mentally strong. Like a muscle to work, the soul is cultivated by thought. Searching for unknown areas, starting on the paths that closes, learn to say for comfortable situations … To work the power of its … Read more

“Serious sports” explosion occurs and they can change your brain well

“Serious sports” explosion occurs and they can change your brain well Away from having a simple distraction, the game is rapidly planted as an educational device. Developed to increase serious sports, awareness or train, include fun mechanics to attract attention and strengthen knowledge acquisition. But how do they affect our brain? Are cognitive and emotional … Read more

How to take advantage of the New Year to change your beauty habits?

How to take advantage of the New Year to change your beauty habits? New year, new routine. Experts emphasize: Taking care of yourself is not limited to improving your external appearance. It’s also a way to develop your mental well-being, take a moment for yourself, and gain confidence. This includes small, simple but meaningful actions: … Read more

These 6 superpowers to find happiness can change your life

These 6 superpowers to find happiness can change your life If we’ve been trying to grow up as quickly as possible for so long, could returning to childhood be the secret to happiness? Throughout our adult lives we are surrounded by social constraints. Limiting thoughts that prevent us from having courage! Dare to be yourself, … Read more

Can you change your personality?

Can you change your personality? The idea that our personality is determined at birth is deeply ingrained in our culture. However, science refutes this notion: our character traits develop naturally over time and can be changed through conscious actions. Changing your personality doesn’t mean losing your identity, but learning to think, feel, and act differently … Read more

Can you change your personality? These character traits you can acquire

Can you change your personality? These character traits you can acquire “I can’t help it, that’s how I am. » Have you ever criticized someone for one of their faults and repeated behaviors? Faced with these criticisms, some people have the unfortunate tendency to justify their attitudes with their personality. All while implying that they … Read more