These 6 superpowers to find happiness can change your life

These 6 superpowers to find happiness can change your life

If we’ve been trying to grow up as quickly as possible for so long, could returning to childhood be the secret to happiness? Throughout our adult lives we are surrounded by social constraints. Limiting thoughts that prevent us from having courage!

Dare to be yourself, dare to enjoy nothing sometimes. Today we invite you to break some barriers and develop your inner child. Move towards innocence and spontaneity!

knowing how to be surprised

“Look mother…” One of the most heard phrases in parenting life and yet, how many times have you pretended to look and be amazed? From now on, be completely still in the present and marvel at everything!

Observe and participate in your children’s role-playing games, you will see how much fun they get from playing!

forget about others

Like children, don’t be afraid of what others will say or think and do what you want! Go out with your daughter dressed up as a pirate, jump in puddles, sing at the top of your lungs in the street, have fun!

Dare to wear that sweater you love so much but that seems “difficult” to wear, dare to have your opinion without feeling crushed by the omnipresent gaze of others, a gaze magnified by social networks. You’ll soon see that taking responsibility makes you happy!

Knowing How to Say “No”

When we become adults, we often get stuck in complacency and politeness and we routinely force ourselves to say yes while our entire inner being thinks about ‘no’.

Listen to the child inside you who begs you and say no to this dinner to fully enjoy your evening eating chocolate, if that’s what you really want!

keep a secret garden

Maintain your secret garden, resume writing a diary like you did when you were a child, and treasure your little secrets. This allows you to begin the process of listening to yourself which will act as a liberating effect. Similarly, develop your personal space: Children have a gift for building secret cabins.

Perhaps you have your own office cabin that is waiting to be further invested in to act as a haven for you?

ask for a hug

Children don’t care about traditions and don’t hesitate to ask for a hug on demand. Now the time has come to steal from them this superpower that brings so much good.

Calinotherapy is a great way to release the happiness and well-being hormone, oxytocin, and give you a lasting feeling of well-being.

free your emotions

Children cry while laughing. They have very little humility and hence express their feelings almost immediately. Like a two-year-old child, don’t hold back your tears, don’t suppress your laughter. Often we practice procrastination and suppress our emotions beyond reason.

Once stolen, these superpowers will join you in your quest for lightness and happiness!