Blues? Here’s the key to re-motivating yourself in 5 minutes, according to an expert

Blues? Here’s the key to re-motivating yourself in 5 minutes, according to an expert Rest assured: everyone is entitled to a little blues. Life is full of ups and downs and sometimes things don’t go well. But then again, how can we not get caught up in the ups and downs of negativity and winter … Read more

3 ways to deal with strong emotions, according to an expert

3 ways to deal with strong emotions, according to an expert We all get overwhelmed with emotions sometimes. They can be sudden, surprising or even latent and can gradually undermine our self-esteem and our well-being. These strong emotions are above all a reflection of great sensitivity and it is unquestionably an asset to move through … Read more

According to this expert this quality will improve a person’s cognitive abilities

According to this expert this quality will improve a person’s cognitive abilities Self-control, often seen as a simple property to resist temptation, plays a far more important role in our lives. According to psychology professor Bobby Hoffman in an article in psychologytodayThis ability to delay gratification can not only strengthen our emotional resiliency, but also … Read more

Here’s a Simple Tip to Calm Anxiety Attacks, According to an Expert

Here’s a Simple Tip to Calm Anxiety Attacks, According to an Expert When experiencing an anxiety attack, the feeling of urgency and loss of control can quickly set in. If everyone has their own technique to cope, a method based on eye movements, inspired by recognized treatments like EMDR, can provide immediate relief. Simple, effective … Read more

5 expert recommendations for dealing with weekend-end anxiety

5 expert recommendations for dealing with weekend-end anxiety Do you know that knot in your stomach feeling on Sunday evenings? You’re not alone, it’s what we call the “Sunday Night Blues”, for some people, this anxiety manifests itself through sleep problems or even panic attacks. So, how can we overcome this Sunday sickness and celebrate … Read more

According to an expert, this holistic approach helps overcome procrastination

According to an expert, this holistic approach helps overcome procrastination Ahh… procrastination: the evil of the century! This very common human behavior, arising from laziness, manifests itself in postponing tasks and actions until later, constantly postponing them and waiting until the last moment to complete them. This tendency to systematically withdraw can have a negative … Read more

How to get out of emotional deprivation, according to an expert?

How to get out of emotional deprivation, according to an expert? Emotional deprivation is a real obstacle for those who suffer from it. This is especially manifested through emotional dependency, difficulty in being alone, constant need for affection, fear of losing others, tendency to forget oneself, etc. It is difficult for a person with drug … Read more

3 expert tips to silence your ruminations before falling asleep

3 expert tips to silence your ruminations before falling asleep Sleep is a fundamental issue for our physical and mental well-being. However, many people around the world suffer from sleep disorders, which can have significant consequences on their quality of life. These disorders, whether temporary or chronic, deserve special attention. Stress, anxiety and depression are … Read more

5 expert techniques to improve your social relationships and well-being

5 expert techniques to improve your social relationships and well-being How do you find time to see your friends or even call them when you are exhausted by a stressful daily life and a mental load on the verge of explosion? If the majority of us share this feeling of chasing time to the detriment … Read more