6 sentences on physical to avoid completely

6 sentences on physical to avoid completely In a world where physical appearance is a proportionless space, capture certain sentences, although they look harmless, can damage the image of individuals deeply. Whether it is important to understand the impact of our words, whether by praising weight loss or commenting on food options. Psychologist Janet Bosowski … Read more

Practice if you have difficulty in your physical appearance

Practice if you have difficulty in your physical appearance Without realizing this, we develop in years of behavior and operating methods that are not always beneficial for us. If they integrate our personality and seem impossible, it is sometimes possible. This is especially the caseA negative discourse on yourself, When it comes to our physical, … Read more

According to a study, the best physical activity to practice for your mental health

According to a study, the best physical activity to practice for your mental health Physical exercise has long been recognized as a powerful ally of mental welfare. But not all subjects are the same when it comes to improving mood, reducing anxiety or strengthening cognitive abilities. According to a study by TF1 information And performed … Read more

Tabata method, a technique to easily include physical exercise in your daily life

Tabata method, a technique to easily include physical exercise in your daily life Tabata Vidhi, a Japanese researcher Dr. Isumi gave his name to Tabata, who developed it to improve the performance of Olympic speed skates in the 90s. Since then, this approach has become a reference in high intensity differential training (HIIT). Its principle … Read more

Adopting this new habit can bring fundamental improvements in physical and mental health.

Adopting this new habit can bring fundamental improvements in physical and mental health. We wish you nothing but health in the New Year! Ultimately, this is what is most important. And to stay in top shape, there are some habits to adopt. At the top of the list of things to do, we note: eat … Read more

Physical Performance Test

The Physical Performance Test (PPT) is a standardized measure designed to evaluate physical function in older adults and those with physical disabilities. The test assesses the ability to perform tasks required for daily living, ranging from simple motor skills to more complex activities. It provides a quantitative score representing physical performance and is widely used … Read more

This physical condition, often confused with anxiety, shares the same symptoms

This physical condition, often confused with anxiety, shares the same symptoms You feel exhausted, nervous, or even disoriented with no apparent explanation. Your first instinct might be to suspect anxiety, a widespread disorder. But did you know that these symptoms can also indicate hypoglycemia, in other words a drop in blood sugar? “It is possible … Read more