12 essential questions to ask your partner before considering marriage

12 essential questions to ask your partner before considering marriage When you want to connect with your partner in some way or the other, it seems important to know each other well. Spending time together, exploring each other, or even making memories together are among the elements that help improve. However, it is possible. During … Read more

These questions tell you if you experienced childhood trauma

These questions tell you if you experienced childhood trauma It can be difficult to admit that you have suffered trauma, abuse or abuse, especially when it comes from your own family. Sometimes it is so complicated, that many people prefer to remain in denial. They then adopt a fairly widespread mentality: “So what? “Everyone has … Read more

Ask yourself these 3 questions created by an expert to overcome your fears

Ask yourself these 3 questions created by an expert to overcome your fears Doubt and fear are natural human emotions. Often associated with taking risks, the unknown and stepping out of your comfort zone, they can sometimes seem overwhelming. Mindfulness can help you tame your fears and make more informed decisions. Research shows that adults … Read more