Do you think about food all the time? The signs of “food noise”, this unhealthy relationship with food

Do you think about food all the time? The signs of “food noise”, this unhealthy relationship with food Despite ourselves, our days are partly guided by our diet. Our schedule is punctuated by our meals, our thoughts are oriented towards our hunger, our menu and our shopping sometimes represent real headaches. But since we think … Read more

6 signs that someone is not a true friend

6 signs that someone is not a true friend These “friends” from whom it is better to protect yourself. For Psychology TodayShainna Ali, mental health counselor, listed the characteristics of a healthy friendship. When you share things with someone, you easily ask for their help, you feel connected to them, you enjoy your time with … Read more

Mental Health, Importance, Tips, and Disorders

Mental Health

Mental Health – Importance, Tips, Risk, and Disorders Here in this post, we are providing insight about “ Mental Health”. You can read Overview, Importance, Ways, Signs, Determinants, and Disorders You can discuss more your problems in our community, and we will provide you with a short time. Keep visiting Mental Health. Overview of Mental Health Psychological, Emotional, … Read more