Ghosting: The Mental Health Effects

Ghosting The Mental Health Effects

Ghosting: The Mental Health Effects Ghosting has become an increasingly common phenomenon in the digital age, particularly in the realm of dating and relationships. It refers to the act of abruptly cutting off all communication with someone, typically without any explanation or closure. While ghosting might seem like an easy way to avoid uncomfortable conversations … Read more

Psychopathy and Sociopathy: What Is the Difference?

Psychopathy and Sociopathy: What Is the Difference?

Psychopathy and Sociopathy: What Is the Difference? Understanding the distinctions between psychopathy and sociopathy is essential for comprehending the complexities of antisocial personality disorders. Although these terms are often used interchangeably, they refer to distinct personality traits and behaviors. This article will explore the key differences between psychopathy and sociopathy, examining their definitions, characteristics, causes, … Read more

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adolescents With Eating Disorders

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adolescents With Eating Disorders

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adolescents With Eating Disorders Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) has emerged as a leading treatment for adolescents with eating disorders, offering a structured and evidence-based approach to managing and overcoming these complex conditions. This article explores the application of CBT in treating eating disorders in adolescents, including its principles, effectiveness, and the … Read more

Diagnosis and Prognosis – Similarities and Differences

Diagnosis and Prognosis

Diagnosis and Prognosis – Similarities and Differences In the field of medicine and psychology, two terms often surface in discussions about a patient’s condition: diagnosis and prognosis. While these terms are commonly used, they represent distinct concepts that play crucial roles in the management of health and disease. Understanding the difference between diagnosis and prognosis … Read more

Organisational Committment Questionnaire Urdu

Organisational Committment Questionnaire Urdu

Organisational Committment Questionnaire Urdu The Organizational Commitment Questionnaire (OCQ) is a widely used instrument to assess the degree to which employees feel committed to their organization. An Urdu version of the OCQ was developed to evaluate organizational commitment among employees in Pakistan. Translation process: The original English version of the questionnaire underwent a rigorous translation … Read more

Organisational Committment Questionnaire

Organisational Committment Questionnaire

Organisational Committment Questionnaire The Organizational Commitment Questionnaire (OCQ) is a widely used self-report instrument to assess the degree to which employees feel committed to their organization. The questionnaire measures three components of organizational commitment: affective commitment, normative commitment, and continuance commitment. Reliability: The reliability of the OCQ is evaluated using internal consistency. The internal consistency … Read more

Work Attitude Survey Urdu

Work Attitude Survey Urdu

Work Attitude Survey Urdu The Work Attitude Survey (WAS) was developed as a comprehensive instrument to assess the attitudes of employees towards their jobs, and an Urdu version of the survey was created to evaluate job attitudes of employees in Pakistan. Translation process: The original English version of the survey underwent a rigorous translation process … Read more

Work Attitude Survey Urdu

Work Attitude Survey Urdu

Work Attitude Survey Urdu The Work Attitude Survey (WAS) was developed as a comprehensive instrument to assess the attitudes of employees towards their jobs, and an Urdu version of the survey was created to evaluate job attitudes of employees in Pakistan. Translation process: The original English version of the survey underwent a rigorous translation process … Read more

Work Attitude Survey (87 Items)

Work Attitude Survey (87 Items)

Work Attitude Survey (87 Items) The Work Attitude Survey (WAS) is a comprehensive instrument used to assess the attitudes of employees towards their jobs. The survey was designed to measure several constructs, including job satisfaction, organizational commitment, work values, internal work motivation, and organizational citizenship behavior. The WAS is composed of 87 items and is … Read more

Work Attitude Survey (87 Items)

Work Attitude Survey (87 Items)

Work Attitude Survey (87 Items) The Work Attitude Survey (WAS) is a comprehensive instrument used to assess the attitudes of employees towards their jobs. The survey was designed to measure several constructs, including job satisfaction, organizational commitment, work values, internal work motivation, and organizational citizenship behavior. The WAS is composed of 87 items and is … Read more