According to a researcher from Harvard, cultivate these two elements on a daily basis to promote happiness.

According to a researcher from Harvard, cultivate these two elements on a daily basis to promote happiness. What is the key to happiness? S “There is no accurate science to achieve this, some criteria can help us. This is the reason why researchers at Harvard University have tried to find out what is allowed to … Read more

Tabata method, a technique to easily include physical exercise in your daily life

Tabata method, a technique to easily include physical exercise in your daily life Tabata Vidhi, a Japanese researcher Dr. Isumi gave his name to Tabata, who developed it to improve the performance of Olympic speed skates in the 90s. Since then, this approach has become a reference in high intensity differential training (HIIT). Its principle … Read more

Method “5 for 5” or how to stop (finally) to take the lead on a daily basis

Method “5 for 5” or how to stop (finally) to take the lead on a daily basis Our brain exaggerates the importance of current events. This mechanism supplies natural, anxiety and roomy. By presenting ourselves in the future, we can reduce this emotional effect. Here Olga Alexandrova doctor shared the “5 to 5” method on … Read more

This daily activity can increase your brain immediately

This daily activity can increase your brain immediately Medium sports activity is beneficial for our physical and mental health and especially for our brain. The concern of all our potential states and even our sleep. There are other benefits for our brain: Physical activity promotes the creation of new neurons, especially in the hippocampus, a … Read more

This is what the daily life of a materialistic person is like

This is what the daily life of a materialistic person is like Materialists are essentially attached to objects, values ​​and material pleasures, which are sources of satisfaction or assurance for them. Vincent Brezard, author of Agnes, confirms this. work bonnet-suard personality disorder (Dnod, 2024). In their eyes, psychological life is of no interest, in any … Read more

This is what the daily life of an antisocial person is like

This is what the daily life of an antisocial person is like It is difficult to paint a single picture of people who prioritize their own company over others. First of all, there are antisocial, antisocial people: shy, introverted, homely people; or loners, misanthropes, even marginalists, “These are character traits,” explains Jerome Palazzolo, author of … Read more

This daily habit that gives meaning to your life

This daily habit that gives meaning to your life Who has never wanted to change their life to improve their current daily life? Even if the desire remains very present, this stage of change nonetheless sometimes remains difficult. Indeed, establishing a new habit does not happen overnight, quite the contrary. According to a study published … Read more

This amount of daily free time would make you happier according to science

This amount of daily free time would make you happier according to science Whether it’s watching a film, reading a book, practicing an activity or even doing yoga… all our breaks generally do us good. The free time that we manage to grant ourselves increases our well-being But how much free time is needed to … Read more