This seemingly insignificant behavior may indicate autism

This seemingly insignificant behavior may indicate autism Autism is often associated with difficulties in communicating. In particular, there is a tendency to avoid social interaction and have difficulty expressing themselves verbally. However, there are many aspects of autism that are sometimes little known. In fact, autism is associated with a certain number of preconceived ideas, … Read more

This surprising behavior would be common to intelligent people

This surprising behavior would be common to intelligent people Beneath their clumsy and fleeting appearance, swearing can sometimes reflect a superior intelligence. A team of researchers from the University of Rochester revealed that people with stronger brains swear more often. An observation that divides, especially when we know that insults sometimes leave indelible marks on … Read more

Are you suffering from cheelophagia, this (seemingly harmless) action considered an obsessive behavior disorder?

Are you suffering from cheelophagia, this (seemingly harmless) action considered an obsessive behavior disorder? Do you find yourself biting the inside of your lips or cheeks when you’re stressed or anxious? Although this reflex may seem harmless, in some cases it can develop into compulsive and uncontrolled behavior. This disorder, known as cheelophagia, affects the … Read more

Apparently harmless, this behavior at work increases the risk of burn-out

Apparently harmless, this behavior at work increases the risk of burn-out While there are professions at greater risk of burnout, certain behaviors that we adopt on a daily basis aggravate the risk of exhaustion. This is the case of this unconscious habit, recently highlighted by experts: reading your emails outside of your working hours. Imagine: … Read more

This Extremely Common Behavior Is Damaging Your Happiness According to a Harvard Professor

This Extremely Common Behavior Is Damaging Your Happiness According to a Harvard Professor In an era dominated by the constant search for immediate pleasures, happiness sometimes seems to elude us. For Arthur C. Brooks, expert in positive psychology interviewed by the media Todaythis frantic quest takes us away from what really matters. According to him, … Read more

Voting Behavior Questionnaire

The Voting Behavior Questionnaire is an instrument designed to explore individuals’ attitudes, preferences and actions related to voting in elections. It assesses various factors that influence voting behavior, including political preferences, demographic characteristics, motivations for voting, and social influences. This questionnaire provides insight into how individuals make decisions during elections, contributing to research in political … Read more